Home Decorating Tips

If you’re on the lookout for long-lasting floor solutions, you’ve probably been recommended epoxy floor coatings. These substances are linked to many strong points, such as durability, resistance to stains and water, and ease of clean-up.
However, if you are looking for a potential solution that requires less effort but delivers an impeccable finish, self-leveling epoxy flooring may be the right choice for you.
Although this particular material may look intimidating, with the right knowledge about its advantages and application methods, you can make it work for your next project! Take some time to learn about the uses and benefits of self-leveling epoxy flooring with this guide.
What Is Self-Leveling Epoxy Flooring?
As its name suggests, this material is one of the many types of epoxy floor coatings that have been used in the construction industry for many years. Epoxy floor coatings like this are usually composed of a two-part combination of resin and hardener.
Once the two substances are well-combined, the mixture is applied to clean floors made of concrete, tile, or other materials. This produces a chemical reaction wherein the substrate “bonds” to the surface, resulting in flooring that feels like hard plastic to the touch.
What sets this type of epoxy flooring apart from other choices is its self-leveling abilities. While you can use tools like a spreading rake and a spiked roller to move the substance towards desired area/s, smoothen the floor coating, and eliminate air bubbles, self-leveling epoxy flooring can be left on its own.
What does this mean? Once you pour the self-leveling epoxy flooring onto your surface, the substance spreads out evenly onto the surface and “fills in” any uneven or cracked parts on the floor.
When to Use Self-Leveling Epoxy for Flooring
Self-leveling epoxy flooring is recommended if you are building spaces like warehouses, garages, and locker rooms, to name a few. Moreover, it is also linked to a good number of long-term benefits. If these qualities fit your criteria, then this material can be the right choice for your project:
Long-term durability that lasts for many years:
Self-leveling epoxy flooring can withstand traffic from many sources, whether it be human feet or even wheels of forklifts and heavy machinery.Shiny and smooth appearance:
Just like a lot of surfaces that were treated with epoxy coatings, the application of self-leveling epoxy flooring delivers a surface that looks glossy and can make your space seem bigger.Easy clean-up:
Self-leveling epoxy flooring may be a fit for your project if you want a surface that is low-maintenance. All you need is soap and water to clean the floor. Unless there are regulations that have to be met, you won’t need to worry about polishing and buffing a surface with this material.Numerous color choices:
Self-leveling epoxy flooring can come in multiple colors and finishes, and you can definitely look for a shade that matches the aesthetic of your project.For example, Island Paints’ Self-Leveling Industrial Epoxy comes in 10 shades, including black and white, that allow you to make the right choice for your next build.
Can You Apply Self-Leveling Epoxy Flooring on Your Own?
Ideally, it’s best to leave this task to the experts. However, if you have enough experience and are looking for a self-leveling epoxy floor coating, try Island Paints’ Self-Leveling Industrial Epoxy. This product is meant to be used as a finish coat for floors in areas such as industrial factories, processing plants, warehouses, offices, and more.
This high-solid, two-component, self-leveling industrial epoxy has a unique polyamine hardener resin. As a result, Island Paints Self-Leveling Industrial Epoxy provides toughness, strength, adhesion, chemical resistance, and excellent leveling properties. Lastly, it can withstand surface sharpness.
One advantage of using Island Paints’ Self-Leveling Industrial Epoxy is its ability to work on both old and new concrete surfaces. All you need is a clean surface and a brush or a roller to carry out this task. Here’s how to apply this to your floors:
For new concrete surfaces
- Make sure the concrete has been cured for at least 28 days prior to the application of the self-leveling epoxy floor coating.
- Apply Island Paints’ Island 400CN Concrete Neutralizer (following package instructions) and wait for it to react overnight.
- Use clean tap water to wash the entire floor and let it dry.
- Remove mortar and dust from the surface of the concrete floor.
- Apply Island Paints’ Epoxy MB 105B HD Sealer (following package instructions) on the surface. Let it dry before applying the topcoat.
- Mix 2 parts of the epoxy base (Part A) and 1 part of the Epoxy SL 144H/C Hardener (Part B). Apply it to the surface and let it dry. It can take 12 to 24 hours to dry and recoat, depending on weather conditions. After 72 hours, the surface can be used for light traffic.
- Let the surface fully cure for seven (7) days.
For old concrete surfaces
- “Chip off” or discard loose cement mortar.
- Power grind the surface to create a “tooth” or “grip” for adhesion to smoothly plastered concrete.
- Use Island Paints’ Epoxseal Concrete Epoxy H.V. (following package instructions) to patch up and cover the unevenness.
- Use a solvent (Mayon Lacquer Thinner) to clean up oil and grease.
- Apply Island Paints’ Epoxy MB 105B HD Sealer (following package instructions) on the surface. Let it dry before applying the topcoat.
- Mix 2 parts of the epoxy base (Part A) and 1 part of the Epoxy SL 144H/C Hardener (Part B). Apply it to the surface and let it dry. It can take 12 to 24 hours to dry and recoat, depending on weather conditions. After 72 hours, the surface can be used for light traffic.
- Let the surface fully cure for seven (7) days.
Tips When Working With Self-Leveling Epoxy Flooring
If you’re set on using this substance for your floors, pay attention to these reminders that can help you achieve desired results without any setbacks:
Wear proper protective gear:
Self-leveling epoxy floor coating is a highly toxic substance that can irritate the skin and the eyes and trigger skin reactions. As such, wear gloves, goggles, and other necessary protective equipment when handling this substance.Handle the product in a well-ventilated area, away from open flames:
Self-leveling epoxy floor coating is a highly flammable substance, so make sure to use this product in the appropriate setting for it.Make sure the surface is clean before applying any product:
This step is a must before applying epoxy coatings in general to allow the mentioned substance to stick to the surface better. Prep the surface for self-leveling epoxy floor coating by removing all items; inspecting for cracks or chips; and cleaning and ensuring that the surface doesn’t contain traces of grease, oil, stains, or solvents.
If there are holes in the surface, fill them up, patch these gaps, and ensure they’re completely dried and cured before applying self-leveling epoxy floor coating.Ensure that you only use the amount needed for your current task:
This ensures that you won’t waste any valuable resources. Island Paints’ Self-Leveling Industrial Epoxy has a pot life of one (1) to 1 1/2 hours, meaning that it cannot be used anymore after the said time. As much as possible, avoid placing excess product back into the can as well.Dispose of products properly:
If you use up all of the self-leveling coating, discard the product properly. Follow government regulations regarding the proper disposal of self-leveling epoxy flooring. Avoid combining this substance with ordinary household garbage and ensure that it does not reach the sewage system.
With Island Premium Paints, you can reap the benefits of using self-leveling epoxy floors for your homes or businesses. Head over to the Island Paints website today and check out other useful home improvement and decoration tips.
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