
Home Decorating Tips

minimalist room paint ideas

Home Decorating Tips

Minimalist Room Paint Ideas and Decor Tips

Posted on February 10, 2021

Gone are the days when elegance meant bold colors, big shapes and well-filled spaces in interior design. Simple can be elegant too. And the design movement minimalism is proof of this. If you’ve been dwelling on trying out the magic of minimalism in a room in your home, these minimalist room paint ideas and decor tips will be very helpful. 

The Essentials of Minimalism 

Bare is not boring, but also remember that minimalism is not just about stripping your space of excess items. It’s about creating calm, thoughtful spaces with only the essentials. In the end, your space has to look put together and intentionally simple.

Promoting simplicity, functionality and cleanliness, make sure your minimalist room paint ideas and plan have the following core components.

No Clutter

The first thing you’ll notice in minimalist spaces is that there’s very little clutter on surfaces. Start with sorting your items. Apart from the Marie Kondo method of asking if an object sparks joy, ask: ‘is this serving a purpose in the overall scheme of the room?’. Once you’ve sorted your trinkets, carefully plan and set what you choose to keep on display, while storing away other unnecessary items. Pro tip: consider investing on furniture with storage spaces.


Apart from having cohesiveness, there has to be harmony in your furniture and decor. Look out for proportions in your room’s layout. Is your center table too big or too small for your living room? Keep in mind that a proportioned room helps the eye move smoothly through the space. 

Clean Lines

Clean, visible lines help make a space look calm and controlled. Make sure to consider the silhouettes of your furniture. 

Dent-Free Walls

Surface imperfections are eye sores in minimalism. Make sure your walls are perfectly even and smooth with compounds such as Island Super Kinis Skim Coat, before splashing with a fresh coat of paint.

Small Creative Touches

Minimalism does not have to feel stiff and cold. Have fun with color, shape and prints but make sure to keep the balance. 

Contained Palette

Minimalism has evolved from the overly clinical to mild and comforting thanks to interior designers who have slowly introduced ways to incorporate colors into the theme. While you can play with colors, remember to keep the look serene with a simple palette.

Minimalist Room Paint Ideas

Colors play a big role in pulling all your elements together. Unsure with what to use for your minimalist theme? Get the creative juices flowing with these minimalist room paint ideas:

  • When you think about minimalism, the color white is the first thing that comes to mind. It’s a bold choice for a room in your home but one that’s delightfully simple and inviting. Try these Island Premium Paints colors: Chalk White, Yogurt and Frost Burn
  • If white or light colors are boring or glaring, you can always go non-trad with black. It gives off a more intimate vibe but still retains the serene feel that minimalism tries to capture. Check out these Island Premium Paints colors: Soot Brown and Black Plum.
  • Imbibing the same effect as black, bold colors purple or deep blue gives you drama and a sense of superiority. Explore Island Premium Paints’s colors such as Fandango and Midnight Blue.
  • Play the theme up with pastels. Pink is a widely used pastel for its flexibility. For minimalism, light or dark shades of the color work, as long as you keep with one main shade. Check out Apricot Flower and Pale Violet Red from the Island Premium Paints’s spectrum of colors.
  • A modern interior designer-favorite, there’s a lot that can be done with gray. With the right textures and the right the layers of shades, gray minimalist rooms often strike as professional but also laidback. Be sure to check Old Vane and Gloaming from Island Premium Paints.

Check out more features on home decor and home improvement from Island Premium Paints! Island Premium Paints is the first and only locally produced paint with a Product Satisfaction Guarantee.


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