
Home Decorating Tips

Preparing Your Home for the Cold Season

Home Decorating Tips

Preparing Your Home for the Cold Season

Posted on September 13, 2016

Here in the Philippines, we only have 2 seasons: the super hot, dry season, and the cold, wet alternative. How do get your home ready for the cool season right after summer? Check out these simple, Para Sure tips.

The coming of the Ber months means we start counting down to our favorite yearly occasion of Christmas. But there are also other thoughts that come to mind with the series of months. There’s the thought that we’re down to the last quarter of the year, then there’s the switching of the climate to a cooler season.

The Ber months, also known as the cold season, is cooling off the Philippines once more. For a tropical country, the cold season can be fun to experience because it literally makes the weather colder and more heat accommodating. However, transitioning from the hot to the cold season could take some time getting used to. For one, your house must have some adjustments to accommodate the cold season. Preparing your home for the Ber months can be fun. All it takes is simple tips and tricks. Next thing you know, it’s already Christmas!

Here are ways on how to prepare your home for the cold season.

  1. Change your bedding

Let’s face it, in a tropical country, thin bed sheets are the way to go with the constant heat and humidity. But all these changes when the Ber months come in. It’s the time again for thick bedding and comforters. You can also opt for cool bed sheet colors like Skyline or Maize for a cold season theme.

  1. Regulate ventilation

Because cold winds could keep your home frosty, regulating the use of ventilation is vital. For home improvement, keep the temperature warm by scheduling your windows if they should be open or closed. Also, the cold winds of the Ber months can substitute for your air conditioner and electric fan so it’s best to go for windows.

  1. Opt for energy saving appliances

The cold season will keep your heaters busy and other appliances.  By using energy savers, your electricity bill will be compensated for the frequent use of heat inducing appliances.

  1. Go for electric fans instead of air-conditioners to save electricity

Unlike the hot season, air conditioners during the Ber months are rarely used. For home improvement, go for electric fans especially at night because the cold air can substitute for your air conditioner.

  1. Decorate your home for Christmas

Since the countdown to Christmas is already beginning, why not get a head start by decorating your home for a Christmas Vibe. Also, Christmas decorations can help boost your mode because the Christmas designs are always fun and lively to see.

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