
Home Decorating Tips

home office makeover tips and tricks

Easy How-Tos & Painting Tips for Your Project, Home Decorating Tips

How to Create a Comfortable Workspace at Home

Posted on July 20, 2020

The recent happenings that have seriously impacted the majority have led to some unavoidable yet necessary lifestyle changes. Part of which is the daily reality that now, working in physical offices may have to be put off for a while. Everybody transitions to a new norm. And that new norm dictates working from home. Safety and productivity are still foremost and this is achieved through a functional, inspiring and stress-reducing home space you now call your work space. But how do you make your home and work co-exist? We give you some tips on how to make your space, WFH (work from home) ready. 

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  1. Pick the right place. 

    Choose a spot where you will be most productive. Look for an area that’s far from distractions and clutter. By clutter, it means visual and audal noise. Hence, you might opt to choose a corner that will put you “in the zone” and will let you mentally separate from your work after the day is done. 

  2. Consider your lighting. 

    Go for areas with good, natural light. A sunny spot near the window is a good choice as it gives you a cozier ambience. It also reduces eye strain which commonly happens in dark or dimly lit rooms. In the absence of natural lighting, use an adjustable desk lamp, preferably those that let you choose or customize lighting angles and brightness. 

  3. Get a comfortable chair. 

    As you will be sitting most of the time doing your office work, an ergonomic chair is going to be your new best officemate. Consider having one with a good backrest and armrest. Make sure it’s well-cushioned and you’re comfortable sitting (even indian-sitting) on it. 

  4. Remember: your work table is not your eating table.

    It’s a common mistake, eating near your laptops, notebooks, and other essential work tools. You wouldn’t want to have coffee spill and food particles messing up with your work essentials. Eat elsewhere. It’s not only safer for your tools, it’s also a way of mentally breaking free from work and having a really good pause.  

  5. Complete your connection. 

    Wifi and power outlets are power must-haves in any workplace. As this is where you would be plugging and charging your gadgets and connecting to your colleagues, make sure you are completely connected with power outlets and a good wifi connection. You wouldn’t want to have your video calls abruptly cut because of connection issues.  

  6. Add a little personality to your corner.

    Your work space is where you will be spending most of your hours during the day (or night). The least you that you could allow is make this little corner an eye sore for you. What to do: add a little personality to it. Place a houseplant, have an aromatherapy diffuser, paint your table using your favorite color, the list is endless. You can also re-paint your wall to make it look more pleasant for video conference calls. Island Paint’s Island Prima has a wide selection of paint colors that can do this.


As we adapt to the new norm of working from home, we also embrace changes that can help us stay productive and safe. Your new (home) work space is part of that. Create it, design it. Make your work space work for you. To liven up your home office, add a splash of colors to your space. Wondering if you can do all these? Yes, you can!  And all these, you can easily achieve through Island Prima’s wide selection of paint colors.  



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