
Home Decorating Tips

Home Decorating Tips

Choosing Artwork to Display in Your Home

Posted on April 28, 2015

So you’ve got the perfect interior design, you’ve achieved the homey atmosphere for your house, and you’ve basically adorned your interior with all the basics by the book but maybe you missed something that will give your home infinitely more style – art.

Choosing the right work of art for your home can be an exciting escapade for you, your home and even your family. Who knows, maybe you’ll even start collecting artworks once you’ve seen all the art the world has to offer. While a lot of people love art, some don’t know which kind is right for your home. So to help you select the perfect pieces, here’s a guideline on how you can choose artwork to display in your home:

Research and decide on what kind of art interests you.

You may ask, “What does this have to do with choosing art for my house?” Well, it has a lot to do with it. If you love your home decoration, this could only mean that your personality is embedded in it. The same goes for artwork. Look for pieces that connect with you and it will sit right at home at a spot in your house. Begin by browsing on the internet or visiting art cafes and galleries to see your options.

Select art for a specific room.

The best way to make sure that the artwork you’ve chosen suits your room, take a good look at the space first before you hunt for pieces to display. The two things you should take note of are size and color. Pieces that are too big may be too overwhelming while something that’s too small for your room won’t be noticed.

Make sure your room can accommodate art.

If the space you’re planning to adorn with art has wallpaper with patterned designs or is lacking in light, decide against bringing a piece of art in it. The busy decor of your room will only drown the artwork. So make sure that the room where you’ll display your piece of art is clean, simple and painted with neutral colors in order to better appreciate the piece you’ve chosen.

Tips in Choosing Artwork

  • Take a mental note of the color scheme of your interior decor but don’t be too strict about having the colors match. Subtlety is key.
  • Don’t hang your artwork in an area that’s hit with direct sunlight.
  • Make sure you choose a frame that suits both the artwork and the surroundings well.
  • Don’t forget to light the art to create a dramatic mood.

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