Home Decorating Tips

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Quick Tricks for Organizing your Work Desk
Posted on September 23, 2020
With most of us working from home, our home office desks have become the place where the proverbial magic happens. And since you’ll be spending a lot of time sitting in front of your desk, why not re-organize it to make it a pleasant and productive space to work in? It won’t require a major overhaul either; with a few changes here and there, you can!
Tips and tricks for organizing your desk
Aside from pleasant aesthetics worthy of its own Instagram post, there are a number of benefits that come from keeping a clean and organized desk. You’ll be able to maintain a professional atmosphere even when you’re home, and you’ll be able to save a lot of time not looking for misplaced notes or supplies. Studies have also shown that a well-organized desk can even improve mental stability, productivity, and focus. It can also help reduce stress.
The first thing when it comes to desk organization is that your space should be set up for the best time management, productivity, and comfort, regardless of personal preferences. So if you’re currently overwhelmed by disorderly files and general clutter, what better time than now to get started on this project?
Here are some tips to help get you started:
- Strip it down to the essentials.
Chances are, you probably don’t even use half the stuff that’s taking up valuable space on your desk. Try this method for weeding out the unnecessary: at the start of the workweek, remove non-essential items from your desktop and put them on the floor. Then as you get busy working, put back on your desk only what you need for completing your tasks. At the end of the week, find a new space for anything that’s left on the floor, like a drawer, supply cabinet, or even the recycling bin.
- Follow your workflow.
Most people follow a left-to-right tendency: devices on the left, a clear workspace in the middle, and supplies on the right. Still, the best way to organize your desk depends on how you work. Try various arrangements until you find one that feels most natural and streamlined for you.
- Minimize visual clutter.
Your desk may be orderly, but if you have too many things competing for your attention, you may not end up as efficient as you want to be. For instance, some people love putting up sticky notes everywhere, but it may be distracting and make it hard to focus on what’s really important.
- Keep a space empty.
When you need to spread out paperwork or other materials but don’t have an empty space to work on them, it can get pretty stressful to clear things out. Designate a ‘no-parking space’ on your desk and be conscious about not letting things sit there when you’re not using them. For this, you may need to consider storage solutions to house non-essential items.
- Add a touch of personality.
Of course, organized doesn’t mean lifeless and sterile. Put up a few meaningful objects that spark joy, as Marie Kondo would say. A few photos, inspirational quotes, a desk plant, or a figurine can add personality to your space. But again, do it in a way that does not distract you from what you need to work on.
- Check under the desk.
Cords and cables under your desk aren’t just unsightly, they’re also a safety hazard. Use cord/cable organizers to prevent tangles and give yourself more legroom. Also, if you keep stacks of files on the floor, move them to a filing cabinet or digitize them.
- Keep cleaning supplies handy.
Since we’re still trying to stay vigilant against germs and bacteria, keep wipes and cleaning solutions nearby and get into the habit of wiping down your gadgets and workspace. Sitting down to a clean, dust-free work area can definitely boost your mood and productivity.
An organized workspace helps you get more done because you know where everything is, aren’t overwhelmed by visual distraction, and can focus on your tasks for the day. Plus, a neat workspace helps create positive mental energy that can spread to your enthusiasm for the things you need to do.
Ready to take on a bigger home office project? Check out these home office makeover tips that you can easily do with Island Paints Prima. With good planning and the right tools, yes you can!
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