
Home Decorating Tips

how to decorate your home to improve your mood

Home Decorating Tips

Improve Your Mood With Home Improvements

Posted on October 2, 2014

Having a bad day? Believe it or not, home improvement might be able to turn things around. You may not actually notice it, but the quality of your living space affects your mood. The way you feel about your home can inspire positivity.

Here are five simple, feel-good improvements you can make to your home:

Plant some greenery

If you’re feeling a little down, don’t reach for a glass of wine – grab your trowel and head to the flowerbeds instead. Getting your hands dirty in a garden is so effective at combating depression that it’s often used in “horticultural therapy” at psychiatric hospitals. It can help you get back on top of things and restore balance when it feels like your life is veering out of control. By simply converting a space, large or small, into a garden retreat, you’ve got yourself a new hobby and a place where you can enjoy your time at home.

Light up your home

Proper lighting can instantly liven up your home, and your spirits. It adds warmth, color, and personality to your living space.The key is to decide what atmosphere you want to create and then design your lighting levels and fixture placements to achieve that end. And, compared with many home improvements, lighting is a bargain. A change in lighting is one of the easiest home improvement ideas to carry out, yet it can have a tremendous impact on the look and feel of a room.

Free up some space

One of the easiest ways to boost your mood is clearing your home of items you no longer use. Once you’ve done that, you can start the process of organizing everything from the arrangement of furniture to the organization of the contents in cabinets, closets, and drawers. You’re reducing clutter and lowering your stress levels at the same time. Always keep in mind that simplicity and logical order are the most important considerations.

Color your world

Painting one wall in a room – an accent wall – has a big payoff because it doesn’t require nearly as much work as painting an entire room. The color of a room can have a profound effect on your mood.  It’s a living space, so make it lively with vibrant splashes of color. It can brighten your mood, stimulate lively conversation, even help you wind down after a taxing day at work. At a minimal cost, you can dramatically change the look and feel of your home’s interior.

Pleasant fragrances are worth a thousand feelings

Fragrances affect your emotions just as color, lighting, and sound do.  Because once a certain scent registers in your brain, good or bad, it stays with you and affects how you feel. Of course, the last thing anyone wants is for their home to smell musty. We want to breathe easily and also know that our home smells clean and inviting to family and guests. The key to this is tackling the source of the smell, not its lingering effect.

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