
Home Decorating Tips

Home Decorating Tips

Tips for a Calm and Relaxing Home

Posted on November 13, 2014

After a long day of work and other commitments, all we want to do is go home and relax. But does walking into your home make you feel calm, or more stressed?

In today’s world, it’s hard to avoid stress, but your home should not be contributing to it. It’s important for your home to be a relaxing space that lets you recover and recharge after a stressful day. After all, you want to come home to a space that nurtures and replenishes your energy, not one that depletes it.

There are easy steps you can take to turn your home into a more relaxing space. Here are some simple solutions for creating your own sanctuary at home:

  1. Remove clutter.

Clutter isn’t just an eyesore; it can create unconscious chaos as well. It creates stress when you can’t find your things at the last minute, and even when you’re out of the house. The best way to get rid of clutter is to just start doing it. Whether it’s just starting to pile up or ready to burst through your cabinets, it’s the right time to get the job done.

  1. Consider colors.

Colors aren’t just for making a room look pretty; they can impact you on an emotional and psychological level as well. For example, warm colors like orange or red can inspire energy, so while it may look good in your kitchen or dining area, you may want to think twice about putting it on your bedroom.

  1. Out with the bad mojo–

Are there things in your house that you associate with unpleasant memories or feelings? Get rid of them! The negativity attached to these things can drain your energy, so it’s good to remove them from your home to create a more peaceful space.

  1. – and in with the good vibes.

Once you’ve gotten rid of the unpleasant things in your home, start adding things that inspire positive energy. Incorporate pictures or mementos that make you smile. These things can easily uplift your mood as you move around your home.

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