Home Decorating Tips

Having a healthy home promotes cleanliness and immunity to possible sicknesses for your family. A healthy home means that your house is well maintained and lessens the risk of allergies and other sicknesses. The best part is they don’t have to be expensive. There are actually easy fixes that can improve the health of your home.
Here are some helpful tips on how to have a healthy home.
- Limit chemical usage
the frequent use of chemical sprays like insect repellents or disinfectants can increase the toxicity level in your home. Try to limit the use of these products to a minimum. As a substitute, you can always use a hand cloth with soap and water to clean surfaces. Also, it’s recommended that you purchase spray products that are labeled as health and house friendly.
- Prevent house dust with a vacuum
House dust can activate allergies and other diseases. Also, house dust can contain leftover chemicals used in the household like pesticides and lead. Use a vacuum across carpets and under the bed. Prioritize on spaces of the house that are rarely used since dust build up is faster on unattended locations. For a cheaper solution, you can use a broom to sweep away dust.
- Have plants around the house
Plants produce oxygen. The more plants you have the better the air circulation around the house. Make sure to properly maintain your plants by frequently watering them. Also, plants are a great addition when it comes to your home’s exterior and interior design.
- Scrub household mold away with bleach
Mold is a dangerous bacterium that can be dangerous in one’s household. They are usually found in sinks, faucets, and kitchen counters. Get a stuff brush ready and dab the affected areas with hot water and bleach. After applying, scrub away. Take note that you should not mix bleach with other cleaning products as it can lead to a dangerous chemical reaction.
- Wash your hands
it’s important that you wash your hands whenever you get home. There are many germs that you might have made contact with you while you were away. Washing your hands will eliminate the bacteria, preventing it from spreading inside your home.
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