Home Decorating Tips

From a spectator’s point of view, painting may seem like an easy task. You would probably think that all you have to do is buy paint, let it dry, add another layer and voila, your wall is painted. But it’s actually not that simple. There are many factors that have to be considered, steps that have to be taken, and precautions that have to be made when accomplishing a painting project.
So to help you better understand paint and its processes, we’ve rounded up five things you probably didn’t know about paint. Read on and find out.
You can use baby oil as paint remover
Baby oil is an effective paint remover when you accidentally splatter paint on your skin. Some even recommend using oil-based products such as vapor rub or mayonnaise for the same purpose. But if you don’t want to go through this hassle, apply a generous amount of lotion onto your skin before painting. This will make it easier to wash away paint after you’re done with the project.
Proper storage can extend the life of paint
Done with a painting project but you still have lots of leftovers? Cover the can’s opening with plastic and seal it as tight as you can. This will help extend its shelf life. When you’re done with this step, label it, turn it upside down, and keep it in an area with a constant temperature.
Paint swatches don’t always look the same as the real thing
Colors can appear lighter on a bigger surface as opposed to the color swatch you’ve been choosing paint colors from. To get the exact shade that you want, you can either consult a paint expert who can help you out or you’ll probably need to pick a shade darker than your first choice.
The more intense a color is, the more likely it is to fade
Believe it or not, some shades and colors of paint fade faster than others. Of course, there are some factors that play into the fading process but one fact remains true: the more intense a color, the more likely it is to fade.
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