Home Decorating Tips

Choosing interior wall colors is not only important, it’s also a major decision when setting up a space. That’s because the color you choose sets the mood for the whole room. With the almost infinite number of choices available in the market, it can be overwhelming for you when it’s time to pick your interior wall colors. Here are a few helpful tips on choosing interior paint colors to help you along your selection process.
Work with Patterns
If you have trouble selecting interior paint colors, using the furniture you already have is a great cue to get you started. If you have, say, a sofa with patterned upholstery, or a particular art piece you want to display, you can choose interior wall colors that complement them. If you are planning to use neutral colors to give focus to the larger items, you can use the white and beige shades in these items to help you choose.
The Color Wheel is Your Friend
Colors across each other on the color wheel (like blue and green, or green and yellow) complement each other, and using them together makes the look of a whole room more cohesive. It is a good exercise in finding a right balance, and when used right, can contribute to a room’s overall look. Using complementary colors is best used in spaces that are less formal, like a recreation room or bedrooms. It does not have to be monochromatic, but choosing colors that complement each other makes the room look more put-together. When decorating and choosing interior wall colors, keep in mind the 60-30-10 ratio. Designer Mark McCauley says, “Divide the colors into components of 60 percent of a dominant color (walls), 30 percent of a secondary color (upholstery) and 10 percent of an accent color (accessories).”
Showcase Your Personal Style
Remember that you are choosing interior paint colors for your wall for spaces that you will constantly use. It is best to choose them wisely, and to choose what you like best. Though design trends are a nice guide, picking colors that you are most comfortable in using will make you more happy about your space in the long run. Take inspiration from the colors you like wearing the most, and your personality will shine through the layers of paint that you apply.
Choose from the wide array of colors of Prima paints from the Island Premium Paints website here.
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Ready to explore colorful possibiliies today? View our popular paint colo combination palettes for great color schemes and room design ideas for interior and exteriors.