Home Decorating Tips

June is usually a month of unpredictable weather. Incessant rain, flash floods, etc. As this can cause damage to your house, here are some waterproofing solutions that you can do to help you protect your home.
Check Your Roofs
The roof is your house’s first protection against the elements. As June is usually the start of the rainy season in the country, it is a good practice to check up on the status of your roof’s durability. It is advised to check for possible holes and use high-quality sealants to cover them up.
Repair Rain Gutters
Cleaning out your gutters is not exactly the most fun of tasks, but it is an important waterproofing solution to make sure your house does not experience accidental leaks. Make sure to unclog the gutters so they would not collect water. Aside from being a health hazard, stagnant water can also form molds and make your house rot.
Secure the Doors (and Windows)
As that popular Game of Thrones quote goes, hold the door! The cold weather brought by the rainy season can cause wooden doors and window frames to swell and stick, making it hard to open and close. A good waterproofing solution would be to manually remove the excess wood with a hand plane, though it is best to leave this to a person with woodwork experience. To avoid the wood from expanding, make sure to use high-quality paint with excellent waterproofing abilities when painting the surfaces of doors and window frames.
Use Quality Paint
Aside from the roof, your home’s exterior walls should also be given proper protection. Consult with your contractor to know how you can protect your house from extreme weather conditions . If there are prominent water or rust stains on the surface, consider repainting the walls of your house.
Para sure sa quality, use high-quality paint designed for multi-purpose concrete waterproofing. Island Premium Paints’ Hydrobond Waterproofing Underlay Membrane is best recommended to be used on surfaces that come in constant contact with water. Island Premium Paints’ formula gives the paint its high tensile strength, flexibility, low shrinkage, and watertight properties.
Check out the Hydrobond Waterproofing Underlying Membrane and other related products on the Island Premium Paints page.
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