Home Decorating Tips

As the cold season rolls in, you may find yourself spending more and more time in your bedroom, snuggling under the covers and enjoying the bed weather. For the creative mind, this would be the perfect time to do a little redecorating. Why not change up your bedroom paint colors with Island Premium Paints? Here are bedroom paint ideas on how to make your private space cozier.
White Warmth
The color white would often come across as cold and high maintenance. But with the right white, the right color pairing, and the appropriate decor trinkets, bedroom paint ideas with white can actually add warmth to your space.
Para Sure tip: Stay away from the starker shades for your bedroom paint colors, and choose off-white or cream shades for a clean and cozy atmosphere.
Cool as Color
When you think of warmth, the usual colors that come to mind are those with earth tones. These include the browns, oranges, greens and yellows. But soft shades of blue can actually provide a sense of warmth, with its natural effect of adding an airy feeling to your space. When looking for bedroom paint color inspiration, give these warm shades of blue a chance! You might be pleasantly surprised by the results.
Heat Up with Choice Hues
Heat does not have to be loud to make you feel warm. The color of sunsets and bonfires, bedroom paint colors using the warmer side of the color palette is a sure way to up your room’s comfort score. Even if fiery oranges or fire engine reds are not your idea of bedroom paints, there are plenty of warm hues you can choose from.
Natural Neutrals
If you tend to gravitate towards the blacks and whites, there is still a way to bring up the picture-perfect cozy atmosphere for your bedroom. Gray is a good compromise for all the neutral lovers out there. A lighter shade gives a soft vibe to the room, while a darker shade is a bold and dramatic choice that still lets you use the neutrals that you love.
Read more about paints and plan your home improvement projects with para sure tips from Island Paints!
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Ready to explore colorful possibiliies today? View our popular paint colo combination palettes for great color schemes and room design ideas for interior and exteriors.