Home Decorating Tips

Home Decorating Tips
Making the Vision Work: How to Communicate Your Ideas to Your Client
Posted on July 26, 2020
A business needs good, clear, and effective communication for it to succeed. Every meeting or interaction spent with a client gives you a new opportunity to form a stable bond of trust that will last a lifetime. But if you’re a freelancer or a new business owner, navigating a client relationship can be tricky.
So here are a few tips on how you can communicate your ideas to a client so they can realize that yes, you can!
While initiative is important to any kind of business, one must diligently listen to the client’s needs and wants. They specifically contacted you because they required your service, so make sure to keep ideas open – this will lead to a better understanding of their situation and budget so you can provide them with all the necessary information.
Involve clients
No one wants a client who micromanages, but sharing vital information will make them feel valued and well looked after. While you’re at it, try listening to any advice they will have to help refine weaker areas. Advising them first, then suggesting a well-informed decision is a communication tactic that can further establish your brand.Acknowledge that feedback is good
You are in a service-oriented industry, so you can’t help but have problems pop left and right. Your client might have an issue with the finish of the paint, or you have encounter problems with a supplier. During issues like this, clients should be given the space to properly communicate specific problems. Once that feedback is given, it is up to you promptly solve it so both parties can move forward.
Create a design schematic
A design schematic is a board used by professional interior designers to effectively communicate design ideas to their clients. A design schematic, in a way, is similar to a mood board. However, it includes a floor plan with furniture and decor laid out to scale. With this helpful tool, you can help your clients clearly visualize the architectural details, exact dimensions, and locations of every piece of furniture and appliance.
To start, find something that inspires you. It could be a color, a piece of fabric, or a photograph that gets your creative juices flowing. Next, sketch the layout. This allows you to map out the rooms and accurately place furniture. Then, highlight fabrics, colors, and materials. Having different colors and textures on the board is the perfect solution for showing your client which colors will match the overall vibe and theme of the room. Finally, add personality by including standout furniture pieces.
You have to keep in mind that while every project is just a simple visual exercise for you, your clients might not be feeling the same. They are going to need every visual aid they can get.
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